
Fall Retreat

Here marks a few moments of my last college retreat. 

It's so so crazy how time has flown so fast. These past four years, growing, hurting, learning, and laughing with this community has been such an amazing experience. There's no way to describe learning who you are and your identity in Him within a group of brothers and sisters who are taking this journey with you. 

This past retreat was a little different. I went with a longing of something more, something to show me that He was real and alive in my life, and not just from second handed experiences. After this past summer, I felt like I was so distant that I needed God to show me a reason to come back. I felt like I deserved that. 

Oh jeez.

And yet, His grace is abundant and His love is SO faithful. It was at this retreat I really felt how I had been so blind to how He was speaking to me. In a state of wander, He showed me how faithful he's been in the relationships that I've had coming to Boston. It's taken time and so much growing pain, but the way He has SO SO carefully constructed each relationship in my life has made me see there is absolutely no way that God had EVER let go of what was going on. 

To be pursued by God for me is to see how He has placed everyone in my life so purposefully and for a reason. 

Senior year, you need to slow down, because for the first time, this semester is moving too fast in a way I don't want it to end. 


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